Arriving in the U.S | Teen Ink

Arriving in the U.S

October 13, 2019
By Celine_p BRONZE, Arcadia, California
Celine_p BRONZE, Arcadia, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

                                                               Arriving in U.S


                                                          The massive planes

                                                          hovered above me,

                                                           Crowds of people

                                                            surrounded me.

                                                       Cafes and restaurants

                                                         welcomed everyone.

                                                         Cars, buses, and vans

                                                    zoomed in and out, over and over.


                                                     Light shone through windows,

                                                        the brightness blinding me.

                                                                The sky, clear,

                                                               the airport, lively.

                                                      Sun rays reflected on everything ,

                                                          a movie of shadow and light.


                                                          The never-ending chattering

                                                           Filled and crowded my ears.

                                                     Footsteps and rolling luggage wheels

                                                   Were accompaniments in the symphony.

                                      But my own heartbeat pounded like a drum inside of me.


                                                              What is America like?

                                                      This question kept coming back.

                                                          It was a boulder on my back,

                                                   Weighed me down, dragged me deep.

                                                         It haunted me, kept me awake,

                                                       But I’m excited to find the answer.


                                                               Butterflies in my stomach,

                                                                 My heart pounded fast.

                                                           I felt like I wanted to scream,

                                                           But I couldn’t make any sound.

                                                                       I felt so jumpy,

                                                                  But was too tired to move.



                                                                      My new life began.

                                                                      My new life began.

                                                                      My new life began.

The author's comments:

This is about me moving from China to America two years ago.

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