I Am My Brothers | Teen Ink

I Am My Brothers

October 13, 2019
By laurengeary BRONZE, Mundelein, Illinois
laurengeary BRONZE, Mundelein, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

You ask me what I mean when I say

others don’t always know me for me.

I ask you, how you think it feels

to follow in the footsteps

of two successful, brilliant older brothers,

when almost every teacher, coach, fellow student,

know you for your last name,

not who you really are.

Those two sets of giant footsteps

that have walked before you,

seem like they may be impossible to follow.

You are given expectations,

from everyone around you,

because you cannot be seen without

the shadow of those tow big brothers.


When I close my eyes I can see them too.

I see Colin patiently teaching me math, integrity,

and even table manners,

for he reminds me that I am a representation

of not just me, but my entire family.

I see Parker giving me a smile, a hug,

a push when I need it,

and a soft place to land when I fall.


I cannot be seen without my brothers,

even if I am surrounded by new people,

people who have never met them.

This is because I am not me,

the me that I am, without them.

I am made up of their lessons, their examples,

their unconditional love.

The author's comments:

I am a high school sophomore and wrote this poem for an assignment in my Honors English class. We were given a format to follow but the words came from my feelings while writing it. My oldest brother, the "serious" one,  is a sophomore in college and I miss him daily and not just because he is the best teacher I have ever had and I no longer have a personal tutor at home. My other brother is the "fun" one who has been leading me into adventures and laughs since we were toddlers. He watches out for me, gives me guidance and I am not ready to even think about him leaving for school as he applies to colleges right now. When he read my poem he picked me up in a big hug, swung me around and said "Lauren your footsteps are just as good as anyone's and don't ever forget that!" 

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