Scars | Teen Ink


September 20, 2019
By MaryP. SILVER, Holland, Iowa
MaryP. SILVER, Holland, Iowa
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments


They don’t always appear physically,

But you know they’re there.

They can frighten you,

Not because they happened,

But because you’re afraid of others finding them.

You don’t know how to explain why they’re there.

When you try your mind goes blank.

You get overwhelmed with emotion.

“What am I supposed to tell them?!”, you ask yourself,

“The only explanation I have hardly makes sense to me”.

Making the marks that end up leaving the scars doesn’t always hurt.

Sometimes you make them because you want to feel something,


Sometimes you make them because it feels like the only semblance of control you have left in your life.

It’s so easy to feel secluded from everyone that’s important to you,

“Why bother telling them? They wouldn’t understand.”,

“If I tell them, they’ll assume I need to be locked up.”

It just feels easier to ignore everyone else and keep the marks a secret.

Go too deep and threaten to leave scars that will be visible to others.

Don’t go deep enough and you won’t feel satisfied.

You want to stop because you know it’s bad,

But you can’t stop.

It feels like an obsession.

Doing it calms you down and who doesn’t want that?


How can one sanly explain that to someone?

Who wouldn’t want to admit someone to a mental institute after hearing that?

What if all the person needs is someone that doesn’t judge them or criticize them for every little thing they do?

What if that person needs someone to help them open up and feel more comfortable talking about how they feel.

Maybe they’ve been told so many times growing up that their emotions and mental health don’t matter.

Maybe they’ve been taught by society that schoolwork, jobs, family, and chores come before their mental health.

We may have a problem, but it’s not us that caused it.

Look at who and what we’ve grown up around and into.

None of this is our fault.

Don’t blame us for this.

Don’t make us blame ourselves anymore for things that we have had no control over.

Don’t treat us like children and then turn around and expect us to be able to balance all the crap you want to pile up.

You’ve caused enough of our scars, don’t cause any more.

We are who we are, regardless of whether or not it’s who you want us to be.

If you can’t accept that, then tough luck.

You can’t change us.

You can try to hide us away and ignore us,

But we have voices.

Just wait til the day you just take it one step too far and we’ll step up and right the wrongs you have made because you’re clearly getting nowhere.

The author's comments:

Open for interpretation of who this is directed at.

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