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September 20, 2019
By belle2020 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
belle2020 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’m from a backyard where the green grass grows, 

from a bouncy trampoline, 

from a neighborhood of smiling faces.

I’m from a black, fluffy, five pound dog,

from chalk on the driveway,

from scootering through puddles in the drizzle.

I’m from weekends in Coloma, Minocqua, and Door County,

from frigid, fresh air,

from the humming birds and whippoorwills.

I’m from campfires and reinvented yard games,

from swimming until my toes wrinkled,

from tan skin and bleach blonde hair.

I’m from clothes hanging to dry,

from a dinner table with five seats,

from running, jumping, and yelling.

I’m from waiting for that surprise visit,

from night and morning FaceTime calls,

from feeling so far away.

I’m from screeching and screaming so loud that the house shakes,

from sobbing and breaking down,

from a salty taste and rosy red cheeks.

I’m from recovering, growing, and accepting change

from travelling back and forth,

from Hartland and Oconomowoc.

I’m from two small houses,

from a tiny backyard where the green grass grows,

from two homes and two families.

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