What Once Was And What Will Be | Teen Ink

What Once Was And What Will Be

September 20, 2019
By 1luvspongebob SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
1luvspongebob SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My childhood came from smiling with my parents and my sisters picking on me.

My childhood came from eating Pop-Tarts and watching Mickey Mouse.

My childhood came from learning how to swim and playing with Barbies.

My teenage years are from my dogs always by my side and watching movies with my sisters.

My teenage years are from eating lettuce and watching scary movies.

My teenage years are from hanging out with my friends everyday and driving from place to place.

My future holds at Colorado State University and being an environmental lawyer.

My future holds living with thousands of animals and living in the woods.

My future holds surviving on my own and being the happiest I can be.

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