not luck, but a charm | Teen Ink

not luck, but a charm

September 9, 2019
By azafar5362 BRONZE, Middle Village, New York
azafar5362 BRONZE, Middle Village, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

it’s absurd to think about how everything happens for a reason. nothing happens on accident and i know this because there are some things that just happen when there happens to be that one tiny, insignificant, unnoticeable conditional. everytime my friend katrín wears that one baby blue dress, we have a fire drill. it only rains when i wear the silver stilettos, or sometimes the black scarf with silver lining. i know when my sister is going to fall while running, it’s going to be because she drank juice that morning. 

when something tragic occurs i have to think back to a point in time where i could have identified that it was ought to happen. i can always find that point.

things happen simply because things happen.

all you have to do is observe. you’ll see it too.

The author's comments:

I'm a 16 year old writer from New York City! 

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