Summer Love | Teen Ink

Summer Love

May 29, 2019
By PoeticMan GOLD, Fort Worth, Texas
PoeticMan GOLD, Fort Worth, Texas
16 articles 3 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable."

- Socrates

Oh summer love, come back to me

Open up your arms, be carefree

Sit with me under the swaying palm-tree

As we stare into the sunset sky

Your azul eyes shine in the beauty of the day

And your pearly smile always seems to portray

The glory of life as we listen to the reggae

And dream of future possibility

I don’t know what happened, how we split apart

Maybe the bliss of the moment you couldn’t take to heart

All I want is one last walk on the moonlit shore by the sea

Oh summer love, come back to me

The author's comments:

“Summer Love” portrays the reality that in this life, all good things will eventually fade away

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