Poems | Teen Ink


May 23, 2019
By brenn24troy BRONZE, Georgetown, Massachusetts
brenn24troy BRONZE, Georgetown, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


And if you care

You’ll sit on a lawn chair

Let me soak in the sun

But if you don’t care let me know

And hold me while I shut my eyes

You’ll sit on your tree stump

Let me sink into the ground

If you care let me know

And if you care

You’ll stand on two feet

Let me peek my head out of the house

If you care let me lay my head on your shoulder;

But if you don’t care

Let me know



Tonight We’ll Go For a Ride

I make you upset

Time and time again

I’ll hold onto my hope

I just want to dance with you

And we’ll sit there careless

Miles and miles of golden skies

I can let you go

But tonight, we’ll go for a ride

And tomorrow comes regardless

Fires and fights in your eyes

I can let you go

But tonight, we’ll go for a ride





I’ll never understand

I’m afraid to close my eyes

But I’m afraid to open them

I guess I’ll just let my mind wander

And why do they say I’m strong

I’m too afraid to fail

But I’m afraid of being too much

So I’ll sit and let my mind wander

And why would they tell me I’m special

I’m too afraid to let them see me

But I’m afraid they never will

And so I’ll sit here and just let my mind wander




Did You Know

“Do crabs see fish how we see birds?”

“Do you think Jesus really walked on water?”

“Did you know Moses parted the Red Sea by accident?”

“Do you think the sons of liberty were justified?”

“Did you know Christopher Colombus attempted genocide?”

“Do you think Chuck from the goonies should’ve been punished for breaking the statue?”

“Do you think Shakira’s hips lie?”

“No definitely not.”








And I could feel air in my chest

It never lasts

I don’t know why I feel a little cold

But at the same time I feel warm

And I can’t stop thinking about it

But I’d still rather lie than tell you the truth

I don’t know why I feel this way

I know it won’t last that long but It’s almost funny

I don’t really want it to






A Picture

And from here it looked perfect

Peace and love there was something there

The blue background matched her shirt

Her hair wet from a drizzle

She stood there and you could see her eyes

She looked so real

It would always be this perfect

And from there you could see pain

You could tell that there were tears

And you could tell nothing was perfect

I’ll never understand why we do this

We lie to each other to protect ourselves

I hope one day we care more about protecting each other





And over there

he was taking pictures of her

Who never took pictures

But she wasn’t the only one

And if you look a little closer

You’ll see her taking pictures of him

Who had never taken pictures

But he wasn’t the only one

Somewhere, somebody is taking pictures

Of somebody who doesn’t take pictures

But I guess there’s nothing wrong with that

That’s just two different people

And things just happen




A Role Model

And he’ll keep everyone around him happy

And he’ll try his best to keep the peace

But it seems like he’s never at peace

But it seems like he’s never at peace

And you can tell by the blood on his knuckles

He’s the least happy

He works the hardest for his worth

And he’ll try to get everything done

But it seems like nobody appreciates him

And you can tell by the stains on his sweater

That he’s the least happy

One day; he won’t work as hard

And he’ll try to find peace of mind

Unfortunately he may never find that

And you can tell by the twinkle in his eyes

That he just needs to slow down

And at least he’d be happy

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