Back to Work | Teen Ink

Back to Work

May 8, 2019
By Anonymous

Oh tell the tale Muse

Of a man who’s natural power was once enough

Who’s strength sent baseballs soaring

Baseballs sailing into the grasp of the first baseman

Snapping with a sharp quickness into the leather-laced catcher’s glove

But now, it was not enough without an endeavor

Now, it was time for the journey

Through Muse shall you hear

The journey told that would set him apart from the others

Who had no intention, no destination

And so, our hero worked until his legs burned with pain

But he knew that there was only one way he could rise up

On the field until no more light shined upon his work-worn face

Until there were no more jobs to be done

And he would go home striving for the new challenges tomorrow would bring

Waiting for his next chance to improve on his love

Our heroes love, for the sport of baseball

The author's comments:

This Poem is about my strive to get better at baseball.

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