a lust story | Teen Ink

a lust story

May 6, 2019
By Anonymous

“oh I forgot to tell you I took money out of your account”, you said

“why didn’t you tell me”, i asked

“I was going to tell you but”, you said

“ just ask me”, i asked

the fact that you can just go behind my back

and take my money

that just goes to show me that you are

not trustworthy

day in and day out

i wake up early

just to get ready for work

should encourage you enough to think

okay maybe i should do the same

i stand for hours doing repetitive things like

scanning groceries bagging groceries

with arms getting tired

feet aching along with back pains

all for a green piece of paper

nine dollars and fifty five cent

that’s all i make

finding time to work with school and basketball

Is hard enough

having money allows me to splurge often

don’t get me wrong

if you need it and i have it

you got it

never was i the type not to help others in need

in my mind

give give give is all i ever do

not asking for anything in return why

because that is the type of person

i am

The author's comments:

This piece is about how my mother would take my money behind my back without permission.

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