I am | Teen Ink

I am

May 3, 2019
By elsadog797 BRONZE, Arlington, Massachusetts
elsadog797 BRONZE, Arlington, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

You throw me your hate, I will not listen

Speak your words like I’m some monster

But I will no longer sit here and ponder

Sing me your verse whose words you bolster

Calmer, caring now, from there I’ll listen

Yet how rare it is to find one whose kindness you foster

Who speaks, who knows, who cherishes truth

It lays in the fragile minds of the youth


You say you listen, yet you never understand

Mind claimed to be awashed as the sea, but you seal it like stone

For every word I speak you cut me down

push me around, bound by the shackles of your throne

You claim you lay upon, slay me with your tongue

Your wicked thoughts you claim just, you own

It's those like you that flood our streets

The same kind to which you complain, bedridden in your sheets

Oh I wish such a rarity grew like the flames of a roaring fire

I am for love, for learning, for voices yearning

To be heard, to be taken, but they make our divide stronger

And our fire is dying and you’re left conforming

Like sheep. Speak those words that frighten you

You feed the tragedy and loss they keep forewarning

Little words you shout are well often caught

I’m for what you say you’re for, but really you are not

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