A Change In Heart | Teen Ink

A Change In Heart

April 25, 2019
By GiannaGoodermuth BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
GiannaGoodermuth BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You’re in my head

like the hottest song

on the radio

Blasting through my ears

like the fireworks on the 4th of july


You’re the smile I’ve desired

And the tears i’ve let slip away

You bring me happiness like a balmy summer day

But you roar at me like the first April thunderstorm

Striking me with unforgivable words

And when you realize what you’ve done

You get scared like a dog listening to the thunder crack

You’re a dog without a leash

Wandering to whatever intrigues you

Finding your way to the girl with the mysterious smile

And as she wraps you up in her fragile arms of curiosity

I hold onto the pain of you

You’re the boy my father warned me about

The one who would stomp on my heart

Like a child throwing a temper tantrum


You are the reason I will never love someone like you again

The author's comments:

This Poem is describing the reason why I don't trust males.

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