Day of the Fish | Teen Ink

Day of the Fish

April 22, 2019
By BraxtonCary BRONZE, Viroqua, Wisconsin
BraxtonCary BRONZE, Viroqua, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sitting at Red Lobster,

Eating and drinking,

Brandi then said to me,

“Let’s go to PetSmart, I wanna see animals.”

I let out a sigh,

But I did comply.

We walked into the store,

And I saw some beautiful,

Swimming fish,

I gave Lucas a call,

And said “let's get some fish”

After a few minutes,

And a swipe of my card,

I had some new friends named,

Shaniqua, Cooper, Alfanzo, Dory, Peter,

And last but not least,

Big ol’ Trevon,

The large black suckerfish, dead as a doornail.

Did not make it home,

So now, we have, Jerome.

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