A Ghost's Soliloquy | Teen Ink

A Ghost's Soliloquy

April 14, 2019
By spacecadet1002 SILVER, Homewood, Illinois
spacecadet1002 SILVER, Homewood, Illinois
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Climbing each stairstep of the galaxy 

I wonder where you are 

I can't hear you 

Your voice is a whisper in the endless darkness

That has somehow made its way to me


I am a ghost 

Just a mirage 

Chasing traces of you 

Wishing to take back the world that was once ours


Our silhouettes had danced 

Like sequin stars raining from above 

Radiating heat like a supernova 

I was oblivious to your unlove 


Golden tears drip from your milky white eyes

I can't reach you 

As you move further and further into the light 

Flames engulf me as I'm left behind 


I am a ghost 

Once a human 

Loving all of you 

But loving the touch of a flame even more


I was your sun and you were my moon 

It's no wonder I'm gone so soon 

There was so much more I wanted you to learn 

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make the world burn

The author's comments:

My piece is about two people in love, but one of them is an arsonist and ends up dying because of his love of fire. (Think Heathers, but if Veronica broke up with him sooner) Thank you and have a nice day! 

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