someone out there? | Teen Ink

someone out there?

April 7, 2019
By DarkAngel321 SILVER, Hopewell, Virginia
DarkAngel321 SILVER, Hopewell, Virginia
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
happiness can be found in the darkest of times if one only remembers to turn on the light

If theres really someone out there  please help me

They say time fixes everything but what if time isn't enough

What do you do when

the passing time does nothing for the problem

Im so confused  and i don't know where to turn

What do you when

you can't escape the pain

What do you do when

the thoughts of what used to be haunt your thoughts

What do you do when

you can't forget despite your best efforts

What do you do when

you care about them  the same way you used to

What do you do when

you want to protect them but that's not your job anymore

What do you do when

no matter how badly you want to be there you know you can't

What do you do when

the thought of them not being there drives you to tears

Oh someone please tell me

What do you do when

Your heart aches at the thought of them being with someone else

Because i don't know  

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