It's Just a Game | Teen Ink

It's Just a Game

April 3, 2019
By newing21 BRONZE, Wyckoff, New Jersey
newing21 BRONZE, Wyckoff, New Jersey
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The blocks get placed in the shape of a house

And the click of the mouse rings through the family room.

The calming music plays in the distance as the house starts to take shape

Block by block the plain wooden structure forms

And a home is created.

The resources had to be gained.

Nothing was given, only earned and worked for

Every block mined and plank created

Led to the structure in front of you

While the small computer screen glows through the night.

The work was done and the outcome was sweet

A house was made in a small game.

But to the young mind,

It is not just a house

It is a step in the life of imagination

And the work of a child's brain.

But a house is just a house.

In a game that means nothing.

To the grown eye, it's just for fun,

To the young mind, it’s an endless world,

yet to be discovered.

The author's comments:

This poem is about playing Minecraft as a child and a child's imagination

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