Twisted Meanings | Teen Ink

Twisted Meanings

March 11, 2019
By lucyemiline24 BRONZE, Parker, Colorado
lucyemiline24 BRONZE, Parker, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The birds circle near

Wind cascading through their wings

Calling out to me


Trees’ boughs swaying near

I stand with arms spread out thin

Their saplings grinning


Flowers in meadows

Yellow like a joyful day

Cut through with blue bows


Darker coats cover

Rooms, for one person only

Harsh streams and smooth rocks


Here it is peaceful

Seeing only deep, deep black

My smile is soft


Wrapped up in darkness

Soft lining, frozen cold shell

Ice like a blanket


Small eyes glittering

Mourning song brings mournful peace

Teeth bared to show joy




My smile is soft

Rooms for one person only

Soft lining, frozen cold shell


Flowers in meadows

Cut through with blue bows


Calling out to me

Small eyes glittering

Trees’ boughs swaying near

Their saplings grinning

Teeth bared to show joy

The birds circle near


I stand with arms spread thin

Darker coats cover

Yellow, like a joyful day

Harsh streams and smooth rocks

Ice like a blanket

Wind cascading through their wings


Here it is peaceful

Wrapped up in darkness

Seeing only deep, deep black

Mourning song brings mournful peace

The author's comments:

I took the original poem  created, and twisted it to create a darker, sinister peice. Because the whole is better than the peices, even if it seems like it was peiced together wrong. 

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