A Completed Puzzle | Teen Ink

A Completed Puzzle

March 8, 2019
By afrein12 BRONZE, St, Peters, Missouri
afrein12 BRONZE, St, Peters, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I learned to find entertainment by myself

Only one to depend on was myself

For the rest of my life

No matter who comes in your life

Even with the largest amount of love

You will still find yourself only having you

Shouting at my foggy reflection to stop trying

For only if someone could give you a break

A shoulder to rest on

To stop trying to give away your self-love

For someone who can’t even love themself

Trying and caring leads to the shattering heartbreak

You can’t handle picking up the pieces

One by one

Pieces rearranging

Not knowing how you’re going to turnout

Reattaching the missing parts of yourself

That have drifted away

That you gave away

Hoping to fill someone else with love

You yourself

Only have you to depend on

One of the most challenging lessons

Most of us end up facing

Some of us will end up finding that shoulder

End up moving in and staying

Comfort and warmth forever

But some of us will be like birds

Independent birds we will be

Instead of building a nest to lay eggs in

We shall fly far and wide

Searching and experiencing

What this downward spiral of a world we live

Could possibly have to offer

In the process hopefully

You find something--really anything

Maybe make it a little bit easier

To stand up straight

Without the fight of falling

The light ahead of us is bright and blinding

Almost so blinding the chances of crashing

Are great we might not get back up

Some of us never want to adventure that

But in the light can come answers

With answers is clarity

I’m peace and tranquility

As I’m staring at my newfounded

Visible reflection

I’m a completed puzzle

The author's comments:

This piece was a piece that I have been working on forever and have alwasy felt had potiental and its honestly all the meaning of me and who I am and a little view on my way of life. 

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