I'm Simple | Teen Ink

I'm Simple

February 21, 2019
By Mikelt22 BRONZE, Kalispell, Montana
Mikelt22 BRONZE, Kalispell, Montana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I was born in the wrong generation.

It’s that simple.

I am an alien to my peers, a friend to my grandparents.

I was made for old romance, hand-written cards,

old cars, and drive-in movies. NOT

vape tricks, new boyfriends every month, Netflix and chill.

I should be in my 60’s, not my teens.

My family, on the other hand, belongs to their generation,

they thrive in all stages of life.

However, I do not.

My grandmother said I am an old soul in a teen body

waiting to burst out at the right time.

I need hand-written love letters with flowers,

not a text that says “luv u” with a heart emoji.

A boy to meet my parents at the doorstep in a nice outfit

not a text that says, “here”, so I can run out.

I need “I love you” to be meaningful, not thrown out there for fun.

Love is gone now; no one tries to find it.

They settle for what they can get quickly.

We don’t try to impress, we don’t want to spend money

if it’s not for us. Love is a thing of the past,

that’s why I was not meant for this generation.

I was made for love not lust.

Simply put, I was born in the wrong generation.

The author's comments:

there's not too much about me.

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