From A Cabion Away From Home | Teen Ink

From A Cabion Away From Home

February 14, 2019
By 0scharmer SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
0scharmer SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’m from a place away from home,
a place where I made memories that will stay with me.
I’m from a place where my life felt safe and secure.

I’m from a cabin that’s crumbling,
a cabin where I spent my summers swimming, hiking and fishing.
I’m from a cabin where the days lasted into the nights.

I’m from a rocky cliff overlooking the lake,
a cliff I learned how to build courage.
I’m from a cliff were me and friends jumped into the ice water.

I’m from a fishing boat that spent it’s day on the water,
a boat where fish became our supper.
I’m from a boat were my dad jokes made us cry.

I’m from a golf cart of injuries,
a golf cart that left dents in cars and my dad screaming at us.
I’m from a golf cart that rolled and kept driving.

I’m from a fire spent by with friends,
a fire where smoke was so thick the fire department came.
I’m from a fire were we roasted marshmallows and burnt shoes.

I’m from a forest where my dad taught me to hunt,
a forest where hours were spent shivering.
I’m from a forest where I shot my first deer.

I’m from a beach filling my summers with fishing, swimming and hiking,
where my dad saved a baby who wandered off and almost drowned.
I’m from a beach, building sand castles and eating picnics.

I’m from a cabin in Crivitz, WI,
a cabin that became my home.
I’m from a cabin we use to own, but memories that I'll cherish forever.

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