Seasons Changing | Teen Ink

Seasons Changing

February 14, 2019
By lauren02 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
lauren02 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from spring days,

from watching the rain slide down the window pane to budding, bright yellow daisies,

from spring break adventuring to the Bahamas, Punta Cana and Jamaica,

from structured school days counted down until the freedom of summer.

I am from summer days,

from sun coloring my skin a golden shade,

from blazing days that make ice cream drip like water,

from Sundays with no requirement, no returning to school.

I am from autumn days,

from wind triggering red, orange and yellow to fall from above,

from dressing like witches, running house to house and screaming “trick or treat,”

from darkness taking over.

I am from winter days,

from cheeks and noses running rosey red,

from curling in front of the fire watching Hallmark movies,

from Mondays that become snow days; bringing out the child in me that changes like the seasons.

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