Broken | Teen Ink


February 13, 2019
By Anonymous

I am from a broken friendship

one I couldn’t escape.

I am from rumors, lies, secrets

from my so called “best friend.”

I am from stress, anxiety, concern

of how people would perceive me.

I am from debates in my brain

of how to try and prevent her from destroying my life.

I am from tears, trembles, terror

that left me hiding in fear.

I am from tears, terror, thousands of thoughts

I felt swirling my head.

I am from the chains of a psycho that kept me tied

and wouldn’t let me break free.

I am from anger, sadness, fear

bundled in what no one could see.

I am from nerves, anticipation, fear

of what might happen the next day.

I am from a feeling in my stomach as if it dropped 10 feet

wondering what the other people say.

I am from excitement, waiting, wondering

for when it will end.

I am from trying, plotting, scheming

on how to get away from her without more rumors and her ending my other friendships.

I am from distance

which caused her to create additional rumors.

I am from stares, texts, snaps

from people wondering why I am friends with her.

I am from responses, pondering, conversations

that there was no escape without destruction.

I am from hating my life

wishing I could tell a different story.

I am from hope, determination, prayers

that it will end soon.

I am from excitement, anticipation, happiness

that I could soon start my life again.

I am from a broken friendship

that I am glad I got out of.

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