Negotiation vs. Anger | Teen Ink

Negotiation vs. Anger

January 30, 2019
By Summer-Shade GOLD, Hainseport, New Jersey
Summer-Shade GOLD, Hainseport, New Jersey
11 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Courage is not the absence of fear it is acting in spite of it. - Mark Twain

The lies that slipped like a serpent,

revealed for the fakes they were.

Changed it all in an instant.

The calm was gone in a fold.

The atmosphere turned stone-cold.

The negotiation between nations put on immediate hold.

Nothing was to be done.

Nothing could be done.

Not when anger was acting regent.

For anger is like a drug it’s addictive and uncontrolled.

It poisons the mind tinting everything blood red.

Anger is an escape from the harsh reality of life.

Vexation, indignation, malice, and ire.

Emotions brought higher and higher.

Anger is dangerous.

A double-edged sword.

A broken safety on a loaded gun.

Negotiations went to dust.

The calm was replaced by cold.

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