To be a Hero | Teen Ink

To be a Hero

January 30, 2019
By Summer-Shade GOLD, Hainseport, New Jersey
Summer-Shade GOLD, Hainseport, New Jersey
11 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Courage is not the absence of fear it is acting in spite of it. - Mark Twain

Being a hero is not easy 
It means seeing tragedy 
Experiencing it 
Facing it head on 
No matter how many times you tell yourself that you'll save everyone it can't  
And it never gets easier. 
Choosing who makes it out of that burning building. 
The young child or the pregnant mother. 
Heroes are only heroes because of the horrors they shield us from with their bravery. 
They fight for our freedom so we can live happily dealing with petty things like squabbles with siblings and which food we want for dinner and complaining about the color of things not being right. 
Heroes are not superpowered in a normal sense but they do have powers. 
And Strength. 
They are heroes: firefighters, police, EMT's, doctors, soldiers they protect us with all they've got. So be grateful for the small things in life because without these people we couldn’t do any of the things we love. 

The author's comments:

I wrote this a few years ago around 9/11 about the people who fight for us everyday even if we don't realize it.

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