Broken Pieces | Teen Ink

Broken Pieces

January 22, 2019
By Cassidy11 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Cassidy11 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Open the book and start a new world

Turn the page and meet the girl who makes him laugh

see her stumble

watch her break

Turn the page and meet the boy who makes her smile

see him cry

know he tries

But who make her laugh when she is full of sorrow

who will catch her when she stumbles

who will paste her pieces back together

who will make him smile when he is heartbroken

who will wipe his tears when he cries

who will praise him for trying so hard

No one knows until they read that final chapter

To know what made their life this final disaster

Once you read then you will know that one didn’t make it to that final chapter

Nobody tried to make him smile

Nobody was there to wipe his tears

Nobody praised him for doing his best

So he finally crumbled and couldn’t get back up again.

Close the book and hope the girl doesn’t meet the same fate as him

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