The Child | Teen Ink

The Child

January 15, 2019
By Real_Unity PLATINUM, Raleigh, North Carolina
Real_Unity PLATINUM, Raleigh, North Carolina
32 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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Life is like a written story, it does not last forever, but it can be told over and over again.

When I walk, I don't walk alone.
I am lead by the child, 
And it is they, who embarks me, 
For I shall never walk alone. 
It is as though they seek for me, 
All the wonders that come unknown.
And if they seek for me, my wonders, 
How can I believe what's shown? 

The child, in which I cannot tell, 
Does not bother with either path I shall take, 
for one is sturdy and the other smooth
Each ending in one's own mistakes.
For I am who I am, and
The same goes for the child.
Life will equal death, as death will equal life.
So whichever path it may be, it will always end the same. 

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