Shiny Eyes | Teen Ink

Shiny Eyes

January 15, 2019
By kmuguy SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
kmuguy SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Do what you can't

Eyes are like the gateway into someone's personality—

    Like the fingerprint of the mind

Blue eyes are like a swimming pool out in the sun—

    Sparkling like a diamond on a ring

Tired eyes show someone that is fatigued—

    A sign of a long days work

Green eyes are like the Amazon rainforest—

    Glowing green like faint light

Wide eyes are an alarm clock going off—

    A sense of shock and surprise

Brown eyes are unappealing on the outside—

    But really are curious looking for adventure

Closed eyes are a closed off protection—

    Shielding from danger ahead

Grey eyes are like shiny aluminum—

    Bouncing around like the metallic light

Eyes are like the gateway into someone's personality—

    Like the fingerprint of the mind

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