More Time | Teen Ink

More Time

January 3, 2019
By kfrederick BRONZE, Dallas, Texas
kfrederick BRONZE, Dallas, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

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What happens to the dream when the dreamer dies?

All anyone ever wants is

More time

All we worry about is

More time

The clock running down,

And our time growing old

As we tell our generations

Our stories.

But, we will never be able to tell them

Of the change

That never came.

That we granted

More time

To worshipers attending synagogue,

More time

To fans attending concerts,

More time

 To children attending school.

That we gave

More time

And let them

Grow old

As we said

Time was up

To victims and tragedies.

But, we will never tell them because

We won’t make a change.

We will never tell them that

We fought for human rights.

We only worry of our time.

But, their time matters the most,

As it will haunt us

For centuries to come.

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