I am a woman | Teen Ink

I am a woman

December 13, 2018
By KayJohnson1546 BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
KayJohnson1546 BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I respect myself enough to not let a man manipulate me into making my body his playground. My body is as unique as my heart and as powerful as my words. 

I am a woman 

As bold as Lion, but instead I hide my roar. My roar is my cry’s and I don’t want to look weak so I build this alter ego that allows to be me but not me. 

I am a woman 

When I hear woman I hear man , why are the two so different? Men are told they are stronger but is it true? A woman is built from man so shouldn’t she have the same strength too? 

I am a woman 

Being more voulnerable and expressing my heart. Was this a mistake? In a mans world it is,thats why most believe that women can't up hold a leadership title.

I am a woman

We are all women ,so never second guess or alter yourself to fit into what a man wants to mold you into being.

You are a woman!!

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece because I feel like as women we are limited to things because we aren't men. We are under estimated and most believe we aren't as capable when we really are. I also just want girls to know that because themselves and opening up is a great thing to do, thats a part of strength even though others might believe that it is showing weakness. 

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