Proud | Teen Ink


November 16, 2018
By Silver-the-Kitten BRONZE, Denver, Kansas
Silver-the-Kitten BRONZE, Denver, Kansas
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There are many things in this world

I don’t understand

The way people act

The reasons people do things

The things they say

I do not understand

Why I must hide

The parts of me that show

My soul

Why must I hide my scars

When they tell a beautiful story

When they paint the sorrow

That is mine

Why must I change my colours

So people don’t see my vibrant self

Why must I be drenched in grey

When I want the red of my heart

To pour out

To show me

To stop hiding me

Why must I bite my tongue

And pretend not to have a voice

Who is my voice hurting

Enough to steal it away?

I am not your mermaid

I want to be my


Rainbow filled



What is so wrong

About that?

I don’t fit with

The crowd

So let me be proud

To stand out

To be brave

The author's comments:

I've been going through a hard time the last few months and I'm tired of it. This is me taking out my frustrations because I don't understand people anymore. Not that I really ever did. 

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