Silence | Teen Ink


November 8, 2018
By Kathy-Diana BRONZE, Gilmanton, New Hampshire
Kathy-Diana BRONZE, Gilmanton, New Hampshire
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Silence, a sound ever changing.

Silence from the reality of life,

The silence is filled,

With the calling birds from trees above,

With the chirps of crickets below,

With the chasing brook beside.

The pure air breathed into the poisoned lungs,

Opens the crushing pipe,

And releases the poisoned thoughts of the mind,

The silence reflects of the mirror of the water,

Purifying the poisoned world,

Streams of light fall through the silence to warm the chilled heart,

Ripples appear from something unseen,

To shake the still glass,

But the ripples only add to the beauty,

No natural thing can break the silence of this paradise,

Nothing can darken this light,

Except man,

Within the clean glass of the surface,

A green smudge rests,

Poisoning the life,

Letting its chemicals seep out of its factory made shape,

Slowly the silence is sliced and hides away,

Roaring words strike like lightning,

Narrowly missing the little happiness left,

Reality returns pressing on,

Bringing a different silence,

A poisoning silence.

The author's comments:

I wrote this when looking at a small pond and enjoying the peacefulness that came from looking at it. Then I noticed a green, plastic bottle resting on the surface.

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