Searching For You | Teen Ink

Searching For You

November 6, 2018
By bbusch GOLD, Defiance, Ohio
bbusch GOLD, Defiance, Ohio
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In the hallways

I look, searching for you.

That smile,

Those eyes,

That laugh.

In class

I look, searching for you.

That tired gaze,

The bored head resting in that hand,

The pencil spinning from those fingers.

In myself

I look, searching for you.

That lively soul,

The energetic personality,

The spirited ambition.

Everyday I catch myself,

Searching for you.

But i then realized,

I can’t search for you anymore.

That’s because I’ve already

Found you.

I found you in everything I do,

Everything i love,

And everything I am.

But while I searched for you,

I also found myself.

I found myself

In that smile,

In that tired gaze,

And in that lively soul.

I didn’t have to search anymore,

For I found you in myself,

And myself in you.

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