Sparkle like my Mother | Teen Ink

Sparkle like my Mother

November 4, 2018
By tracytez_ SILVER, -, Other
tracytez_ SILVER, -, Other
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

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Can you remember who you were before the world telling you whom you should be?

We chase the stars and the moon

We find solace in our selfish thoughts

But the very essence of our life and proud perspectives

The force behind our chase for sparkle and glitter

The constant gravity that maintains everyone in proximity

The angel that God sent us to guide us,to shower love upon us

The perfect portrayal of ‘selflessness’ and ‘sacrifice’

The amalgam of tenderness,love and care

The golden souvenir of our worldly life

And finally a place where words fail but emotions reign

I admire her like a star gazer

And I wish someday I get to be like her

And spread sparkle and shimmer everywhere!

The author's comments:

Hey I am Tracy, a benign hearted meraki.I hail from land of precipitous slopes and aesthetism bound valleys laden across 'gods own country'.Having unquenchable passion towards writing here I am through the power of words and God Almighty.

Mothers are our golden souvenirs who brought us to this world.During the course of giving us the things of beauty,their everlasting dreams have been overshadowed.Yet they defend us and never lets our sparkle glide down.Dedicating to my mother,here is my first poem on the topic 'spread sparkle like my mother'

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