Misc | Teen Ink


October 24, 2018
By catk22 SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
catk22 SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Live your life to the fullest, because this is the oldest you've ever been, the youngest you'll ever be again.
As you're killing time, time is killing you.

The sadness of puppies is the melting of ice from winter to spring.

At the center of boredom is where the creativity really starts.

The opposite of tender is a dog’s vicious bite.

At the top of tomorrow waits an exciting adventure up north.

The swirl of loneliness sounds like George Jones singing.

The hiding place of rain shivers underneath the leaves of an untouched forest.

The shape of the past fits inside the black hole sucking in space.

When you toss sadness to the wind, it returns as positives you can use in life.

If you turn hope on high, you’ll see all the possibilities you never knew you had.

When you tiptoe through the Valley of Happiness, you might find the future of what will be.

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