Essential Relief | Teen Ink

Essential Relief

October 24, 2018
By gamoen GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
gamoen GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My mind jumps out of my head,

flying into the sky, disappearing

into a flock of feathered birds.

The remaining haze in my head

slips out my ears––

into the warm arms of the vibrant trees.

The refreshing gusts of wind

swoop through my transparent mind,

taking any burdens left with them.

Sweet sounds of chirping create

a symphony within me––

my mother hears it too.

The path is a gateway to happiness.

It steals sadness, and swallows it––

then spits back divine sensations.

The path is alive, she is alive.

She takes you in, embraces you––

gives you the essential relief you long for.

I look up to Mother Nature dead in

the eye, and she looks back down at me––

and then world stood still with wonder.

The author's comments:

I worked in an intergenerational team with my mom on this.

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