The Flight | Teen Ink

The Flight

October 24, 2018
By kmuguy SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
kmuguy SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Do what you can't

I dive down from my nest taking a leap of faith—

    As the ground approaches I pull up like a fighter jet.

I roll and twist in the air like a roller coaster ride—

    I look down as I soar above the forest.

The green trees blend together as I pick up speed—   

    I can feel the wind glide between my feathers.

I dive down to the pond below—  

    The water is so calm it is like a mirror.

I power upwards as the end of the pond nears—

    I pop out above the horizon of the forest.

The setting sun glares at shiny pond—

    I spot out my tree to land on.

I spread out my wings to stop in the air—

    My talons gracefully land upon the top branch.

I peer out over my forest as the sun disappears—

    As I settle down perched above my forest.

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