Travelling the World's Wildside | Teen Ink

Travelling the World's Wildside

October 24, 2018
By bonehead44 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
bonehead44 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Travelling the World’s Wildside

Birmingham - England


Sense of history…A castle’s ruins crumble like a sponge cake, as

sounds of crows chirp above throughout the city—a medieval time.

Splash of freshwater flows on the banks of rivers, a clean, refreshing, opening smell, as

salty homemade fish and chips celebrate a family reunion and tradition.

Dubai - United Arab Emirates


Developing country, like a city from a movie, rings in

distant police sirens, and a whining baby in the night.

Different traditional food, a punch hitting me in the face, as

deranged flavours, a beautiful rainbow, tantalizes on my tongue.

Cape Town - South Africa


Open fields, like a black hole to another dimension...

oceans surround me, a closing circle a scene from a movie.

Organic foods in each store, a vegetarian paradise, including

original cooked meat—an exquisite cuisine.

Ho Chi Minh City - Vietnam


Mopeds on roads, like a swarm of ants carrying their loads.

Monstrous snakes, a heart racing hisss.

Marketplace flowers, a meadow in the countryside, and

milk from the coconut—a nectar from the gods.

Wisconsin - United States


Corn fields on corner, like recurring dreams, rustle as

cardinals sing songs—an orchestra of tweets.

Combine harvester stirs the air with dust, and freshly cut wood, and

cheese curds served in restaurants—a delicacy.

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