Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

September 21, 2018
By warhawk BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
warhawk BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am Kevin—

from the blistering heat of the golden state,

to frozen spikes fracturing like glass when falling to the ground of the cheese state.

I am from bright blue skies—

from gazing up wondering of its secrets,

to learning what lays beyond...

I am from a silver BMW—

from three days of barren roads, desert, and brown grass,

to lush green leaves changing color

I am built up of silence—

from sitting in the farthest seat in the class,

to staring off daydreaming of distant friends...

I am from a house of rusty red brick—

from heat radiating from smoldering logs encased in chiseled stone,

to cold leather, buttery popcorn, and a movie projected on a white screen

I am a Warhawk—

from hearing “It’s a great day to be a Warhawk” every day as a freshman,

to reminiscing of Friday night lights and its dreaded finale.

I am from diablo’s peaks—

from its brown grass and lush trees,

to its vast gaze reaching the golden gate

I am Kevin—

from the blistering heat of the golden state,

to what is yet to come...

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