Where i'm from | Teen Ink

Where i'm from

September 20, 2018
By ahsballer25 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
ahsballer25 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I'm from sore legs, worn out shoes,

dirty pavement and a chain basketball net.

my chain basketball net.

From doing anything my team can do—

mismatched Nike socks

and from the pump up music before games.

I’m from 5:30 pm on a Thursday night in October

nervous as the phone rang

finding out I made the team…

From a basketball coach with high expectations in me

8th graders flood the court

and from new players to further benefit the team.

I’m from trying to be the best player I can be

never as skilled as any other player

sneaking out to practice in the middle of the night…

From a landscape surrounded by skyscrapers in the city of Chicago.

a family of 12 and a family of four

and from Christmas dinners with family.

I’m from reading plays, Illinois, and football Sundays

close games in Naperville

holding my helmet in excitement as we have an undefeated season…

From cleaning the house with my mom for a reward

covered in grime

and from cleaning from one room to another.

And I’m still from the same sore legs, worn out shoes,

dirty pavement and a chain basketball net.

my chain basketball net.

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