One Stormy Night | Teen Ink

One Stormy Night

September 20, 2018
By kmuguy SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
kmuguy SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Do what you can't

I come from a community,

    in a rural farm town,

caring about one another—

I come from playing hide and seek,

    in the cornfield behind my house,

laughing with my friends—

I come from throwing to first base,

    on the sandlot in our park,

screaming under the sun—

I come from scoring goals,

    on the perfectly kept field,

celebrating with my teammates—

I come from fairs and amusement,

    in that same park,

playing ring toss—winning goldfish—

I come from the peaceful days turned into the stormy nights,

    on a doomed day,

helping trapped people get out of their houses—

I come from our community,

    in a rural farm town,

rebuilding what we had loved—

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