Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

September 18, 2018
By EK0304 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
EK0304 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Waking up,

to the sound of the cardinals caroling,

family busily brewing business.

The echoes of laughter and love stream through the walls,

instantaneously, the house perks up.

The whimsical, weightless white curtains,

glide through air.

In the shadows scurries the stress and anxiety,

ready to seize it’s new victim,

trying to figure out what doubt to instill.

Pressures and expectations install without knowledge,

the suspicion that no matter what, I will never be enough.

The persistent practices, games, meets, homework, and studying,

lead to never enough sleep.

Expectations to consistently be on my “A” game,

regardless of circumstances,

a disappointment to my coaches.

The stress and pressures catch me,

making me feel like I will never be strong.

I countdown till a single day off,

recognizing the dates on the calendar fuse.

Everyone gets ready to conquer the day,

no matter what, finding a solution,

coming home from a day that felt like a month, and unwinding.

The summer breeze glides gently across my face,

leaving the awake, refreshed feeling instilled.

My family blissfully blows out the candles,

the beloved cardinals burrowing into their nests.

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