Tree | Teen Ink


August 12, 2018
By Real_Unity PLATINUM, Raleigh, North Carolina
Real_Unity PLATINUM, Raleigh, North Carolina
32 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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Life is like a written story, it does not last forever, but it can be told over and over again.

It cast over you like a shadow,

The comfort and feeling of never being left alone.

Roots that stretch down to the core of the earth,

Only to seek warmth from the core inside it.

It spreads its arms to the sky, releasing its true beauty from its tips.

Leaves that blossom with vibrant colors, only to fall in the change of time.

I comfort you as you comfort me my old friend.

The tree that started life.

As I sway with the wind you sway,

For we are connected at the roots.

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