Soul Seeker | Teen Ink

Soul Seeker

January 17, 2017
By CreeperTime935 SILVER, Coronado, California
CreeperTime935 SILVER, Coronado, California
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life is like a river, it contains a lot of rocks and falls, it will push and pull you under, but you've got to say afloat. It helps to get a raft!" -Me

I gazed off into the sunset,
Adrift, only left to my thoughts,
Rushing head over heels, oh I don't ever forget,
The ringing in my ears; Gunshots,

I have passed over the threshold,
Night has happened upon me,
The air fresh, bitter, and cold,
What is there to be?

I feel the warm arms of death's cold embrace,
And I snuggle in close,
Wanting to rid myself of this abstract space,
So I won’t waste away upon this coast,

I awake to a large living room,
Not mine, but that of Death’s house,
He sits facing a flower still abloom,
And attended to it as it seemed to drowse,

He turns; his hooded eyes pierce my spirit body,
He nods knowingly, surveying my life,
Fear clutches at me, as my life had been shoddy,
My sin twists in my gut as if a knife,

I await my permanent hellish void,
But none came,
My sinful life has been destroyed…
And I am not to blame.

The author's comments:

This poem was written when I was procrastinating an essay for my English class at home.  I just opened up a Word document and started writing, and this was the result.

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