Six Feet Under | Teen Ink

Six Feet Under

January 28, 2016
By SILVER, Millersville, Pennsylvania SILVER, Millersville, Pennsylvania
6 articles 4 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I like to read about beautiful words, of beautiful people and beautiful minds. Because honestly, they are all the things I wish of obtaining in reality."


In your winds the words do whisper
And my ears, they do take in
Your silent memories of then
Were all but my own sin


The flowers in your willowing hair
And sunshine on your face
Held a beauty like no other
No one coud replace


You laughed and talked through day and night
The pain that you would bear
Was all just your big secret
For the life you couldn’t spare


This world is cruel, I will not lie
It treated you like dirt
But if you would have stayed, another day
I wouldn’t be as hurt


I never got to tell you
What I was always afraid to say
I love you, darling, oh so much
Even to this day


But I realized with such beauty
There was another side to you
You built your walls so high
That no one could break through


I wish I could have told you
Everything I hoped to say
For my words were the only thing
You would have needed to stay


And to think, as I stand here in the rain
With the distance claps of thunder
Your sixteenth birthday shouldn’t have been spent
Damned, and six feet under

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