Memories | Teen Ink


January 20, 2016
By oscar.munoz BRONZE, Indio, California
oscar.munoz BRONZE, Indio, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There was once a young boy and his dog,
They both lived together out in the streets,
They always had each other’s backs,
They were both very good athletes,

All their lives it been just them two,
They’ve asked for help from everyone but all they hear is no,
Even though their lives are hard and lonely,
Together they are an unstopped duo,

Nothing can hold them back,
Nothing can get in their way,
Nothing can separate them,
But all good things end someday,

The boy and his dog live in the worst part of town,
They live in a city with nothing but mayhem,
And they live on the streets,
Always running from people trying to separate them,

Time passed and they were much older,
The boy found a job and now lives in an apartment,
The dog is getting old and isn't very healthy,
The boy knew his best friend was dying and he was filled with discontent,

He didn't know how to help him,
Or what he should do,
He hoped the vet could help him,
He want his best friend good as new,

He didn't have much hope left,
His dog was weak,
He brings him to the vet,
After a checkup the vets says he's very unique,

He tells the boy he never seen something like this before,
The dog lived longer than expected,
Most dogs of his breed don't live nearly as long,
This was very unexpected,

The boy was happy but also sad,
It was time for his amazing friendship to end,
He told the vet to put him down so the dog won't suffer any more,
He knew it would be hard to say goodbye to his lifelong friend,

The dog died old and happy,
With his owner by his side,
But the boy was now all alone,
So he went home and cried,

A few days went by,
And the boy realized,
How much fun he had,
With the dog all his life,

Life goes by too fast,
You need to take it slow,
Before you know it,
It will be time to grow.

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