Father | Teen Ink


December 26, 2015
By Edward_Abraham SILVER, Norwalk, Iowa
Edward_Abraham SILVER, Norwalk, Iowa
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

He giving up on him
but he will never give in.
He said it was over that
he does not believe that he was true.

He will never give up on him.
He has always been their
even when he was waste deep in.
When he was weak he was strong
doing all that he can to make sure their was no harm.

He has given up on him.
Thought that he had a plan.
Trying to do what he wants
always failing and always blaming him

He giving up on him
but he will never give in.
He said it was over that
he does not believe that he was true.

He has not given up on him
trying to lead him,
but always finding he was alone.
He does what he can,
but he never listens to him.

He wanted nothing with him.
He was always their,
even when he was screaming and cursing
He wanted to do it alone.
Then finally realizing that he was wrong.

He will never give up on him
then he realize that he was a friend.
He said it was not over
then he believe that it was true.

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