The Fire | Teen Ink

The Fire

April 2, 2015
By tlaws BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
tlaws BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

She is like the sun
She has a fire burning inside
Radiating light to keep hers warm
She is like a necessity to life

There’s a second fire we find, starts just as a match strike
Located just around and on the ovaries
Expected, this fire is a chain reaction in the family
Unsure if we’ll be able to put out the right one

We spread the news like wildfire, just like her cancer
The doctors do their best and first try
It’s put out but,
Even extinguished fires leave some smoke

The lingering burning scent so strong we knew what was coming
It haunts and so many tears are shed
You’d think we’d have enough to put it out a second time
It’s a blaze this time around

Once again candles emerge and bring light on a little hope
Another set of successful surgeries diminish it
Her first fire never went out
Only grew into a firing scorch 

She is like the sun
She has a fire burning inside
Radiating light to keep hers warm
She is like a necessity to life

The author's comments:

about my mothers cancer battle

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