Besties Till The End | Teen Ink

Besties Till The End

February 26, 2015
By Emma Thede BRONZE, Waverly, Nebraska
Emma Thede BRONZE, Waverly, Nebraska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Once upon a time
We sat on my porch selling lemonade for a dime
We laughed and cried and soon we were friends
Inseparable and unstoppable, besties till the end

   But we grew up and moved miles apart
And though we said we’d still be friends, it was very hard
We grew out of touch and didn’t talk every day
Our memories we once had started to fade away

   Although we don’t keep in touch and don’t speak
And rarely hear of each other but maybe once a week
We were once inseparable and unstoppable, the best of friends
So I still have a space in my heart for you because we’re besties till the end

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