Growing up literate | Teen Ink

Growing up literate

February 17, 2015
By zachary wyant BRONZE, Canton, Illinois
zachary wyant BRONZE, Canton, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Ok look,

Growing up literate
Has taught me this crying…
So listen up and consider it
Music is a silent asylum
Literature is a violent black and white reality
Art work is just another story of lying
A parents last night to see sally
Narrated to the children
Someday I get this feeling
Time stands still but life goes on
The sands of time blow on
To write these pages of this book
Growing up literate
Has told me another weary tale
So listen up and consider it
Music has become my fairytale
Literature is nothing but a dream
Art work of some buried tales?
Do it for the starving fiend
Looking for a hand out
One day ill stand out
But today is like yesterday
Tomorrow will be a better day
For the crook
Growing up literate
Has never been a choice
So listen up and consider it
Music is their outcry their voice
Literature in the form of sentences
Art work of a Rolls Royce
Keep it clean and vintage
Like its brand new
Sunday is a banned view
Praying in private
i believe it but I don’t buy it
so don’t get caught up with the hook
Growing up literate
Has led me to believe in the rhyme
So listen up and consider it
Music is kept in time
Literature through poetry
Art work never paid like crime
For those that know me
Know I’m a nomad
Monday isn’t so bad
Then I realize the future is the past
Reality staring at me through the glass

The author's comments:

This piece of peotry is about how growing up literate is a major facor and can change ones perspective in life.

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