A Young Man's Tale | Teen Ink

A Young Man's Tale

February 4, 2015
By Anonymous

As children play in fields green,
Around them lives a world unseen.
A world of darkness, and despair,
A world with hatred everywhere.

And as their laughter floats around,
There lies beneath a different sound.
A sound much older and confused,
A voice long yearning to be used.
But they hold it down, while it gasps for air,
In a world with hatred everywhere.

And as they gather ‘round and play,
The fields slowly turn to gray.
The clouds are colored black like soot,
The grains are crushed beneath a foot.
But the children do not notice this,
And play along with ignorant bliss.
For that which they know not was there,
Fades away without a care,
In a world where nothing’s ever fair,
In a world with hatred everywhere.


On the other side of that wooden fence
Which once had kept in innocence,
I stand, much older, and alone,
The fields now are overgrown.
I close my eyes and I’m taken back,
To days before the sun shone black
With shadows cast across my face,
Shielding eyes from light with unwanted grace.
I raise a hand in solemn farewell,
To that place which I had known so well,
But now tells me nothing more than lies
Of a life once lived with joyful cries,
A life that I remember not,
A life that I have now forgot,
And around me still, as I stop and stare,
Is the world with hatred everywhere.


The winds have changed, I’m on my way,
To go and see another day,
To travel far and wide and near,
I bring along nothing, not even fear.
Nothing will stop me, I was born to run,
To forever chase the setting sun,
To leave the past behind in dust,
And leave my old life behind to rust.
The wooden fence has fallen in a graceful bow,
But the fields hardly matter now.
For the winds have changed and I’m on my way,
To go and see another day.

And as I go my eyes are opened,
My heart is old and my soul is broken.
But I carry on, without a care,
I leave behind the world unfair.
The sun shines kinder in the sky,
I throw back my head and cry.
Maybe this is not all that it seems,
Maybe I’ll go back, to fields green.
I remind myself that there’s nothing there,
No one left with memories to share.
Just a world with hatred everywhere.
But my head stays high, my heart stays strong.
I smile as I run along.
And in the air, there plays a song.
It plays happy, and sweet, and glad and long.
I look to the sky, and realize this,
The answer that I always missed,
The truth that I had longed to find,
The fact that evaded my hurting mind.
That what was once, will always be.
Our hazy ghosts of memories
That haunt our minds each day and night,
Yet manage to stay out of sight,
As the fields now are all regrown,
And a young man’s tale is shared and shown.

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